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Stop nuclear power station Ignalina!

(Bonn / Europe, 11. Oct. 2008) The European movement against nuclear power is very interested about the Ignalina-Referendum on Sunday (12. Oct.). The Soviet-era technology of nuclear power station Ignalina is the same as that used at Chernobyl. So the European anti-nuclear movement is struggling to stop nuclear power station of Ignalina. So the Federal Association of Environmental Action Groups in Germany (BBU) does. BBU, Greenpeace and other no-nukes-action-groups have a lot of reasons to stop Ignalina:

Radioactive waste
Nuclear power station of Ignalina produces every day dangerous radioactive waste. The world now has enough radioactive waste. There’s still no safe way to deal with it.

Aside from the risk of a terrorist strike directly onto a nuclear power station, the nuclear industry transports thousands of tonnes of radioactive waste around by road, rail and sea. Every week, communities up and down the country are put at risk from potential radioactive contamination as these trains and trucks trundle through cities, towns and villages. If a nuclear waste transport was involved in a terrorist attack, tens of thousands of people could be exposed to cancer causing radiation and whole regions might have to be evacuated.

Twenty-two years since the world’s worst nuclear disaster, Chernobyl, the human and environmental consequences are still being suffered internationally. Nuclear power is inherently dangerous and, despite claims of improvements in safety, scientists agree that another catastrophe on the scale of Chernobyl could still happen any time, anywhere. Mabe in Ignalina?

Nuclear proliferation
One of the fundamental problems of nuclear power is the hazard posed by the radioactive materials it produces – some of which can be used in nuclear weapons and all of which can be used in so-called dirty bombs. Just one particle of plutonium can be fatal.

The nuclear industry is hugely expensive. The construction and generating costs of nuclear power are greater than most renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Added to these are costs associated with dismantling nuclear stations and waste disposal.

Renewable energy
Solar energy is a good example of it:
• It's almost free once the equipement is installed.
• Energy from the sun is renewable (it won't run out)
• It is very useful for remote areas that are not connected to the main electricity grid.
• It is environmentally safe (it produces no greenhouse gases)

Further informations: http://www.bbu-online.de/html/Selbstdarstellung2007%20englisch%20Netz.pdf

Contact: http://www.bbu-online.de