Bürgerinitiativen schockiert:
Trauer um ermordeten russischen Atomkraftgegner
(Bonn / Gronau, 22.07.2007) Anti-Atomkraft-Initiativen
in Deutschland sind schockiert über die Ermordung eines jungen
russischen Atomkraftgegners. Der Ermordete war Bewohner eines Protestcamps
im Bereich des Atomzentrums von Angarsk (Sibirien), das am Samstag
(21.7.) brutal überfallen wurde. Bei dem Überfall wurde
er tödlich verletzt, weitere Personen im Camp wurden ebenfalls
verletzt. Die russische Umweltorganisation Ecodefense vermutet,
dass es sich bei den Angreifern um Mitglieder faschistischer Organisationen
gehandelt hat. In einer ersten Stellungnahme fragt Ecodefense: „Wenn
die Polizei die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung nicht garantieren
kann, wie kann dann die Sicherheit der Urananreicherungsanlage und
des nuklearen Materials garantiert werden?“
Der Bundesverband Bürgerinitiativen Umweltschutz
(BBU) e. V., der seit Jahren den Widerstand gegen Uranmülltransporte
von der Urananreicherungsanlage im westfälischen Gronau in
russische Atomzentren unterstützt, fordert von den zuständigen
russischen Behörden die Aufklärung aller Hintergründe
des Überfalls und die Bestrafung der Täter.
Die Mitglieder des Arbeitskreis Umwelt (AKU) Gronau,
der eng mit der russischen Umweltorganisation Ecodefense zusammen
arbeitet, sind entsetzt: „Gerade die Münsterländer
Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung hat gute Kontakte zu den russischen Atomkraftgegnerinnen
und Atomkraftgegnern. Aktive des Aktionsbündnis Münsterland
gegen Atomanlagen waren bereits zu gemeinsamen Protesten in Russland.
Außerdem haben russische Freundinnen und Freunde mit uns vor
den Urananreicherungsanlagen in Gronau und Almelo (NL) demonstriert.
Unser Mitgefühl gilt jetzt den Verletzten und ganz besonders
den Angehörigen des Ermordeten. Sein Tod erschüttert,
darf uns aber nicht lähmen. Der Widerstand gegen die Urananreicherung
muss weiter gehen, in Deutschland, in Russland und auch anderswo!“
Es folgt die Presseinformation von Ecodefense vom 21.7.2007:
Moscow, July 21, 2007
Today one activist was murdered and several others seriously wounded
in Angarsk, Russia, the hometown for International Center for Uranium
Enrichment (ICEU). We deeply grieve about this tragedy and urge
local authorities to put all possible efforts to identify and punish
criminals responsible for the murder.
According to Ecodefense' own investigation, based on various information
sources including statements from wounded activists, deadly attack
was conducted by 15-20 Nazis (or activists of fascist organizations)
which came to Angarsk from two other cities. Last week, group of
10-12 Russian anarchists and anti-fascists established camp in Angarsk
as a symbol of protest to ICEU. This is our belief (shared by wounded
anti-fascists) that the attack was not in any way related to the
protest and nuclear issues. It was based on Nazi' abhorrence for
Local police was questioning remaining campers whole day today
and asked them to leave Angarsk (all of them came from other cities)
saying they can not guarantee safety for the future. This is not
clear right now if they leave or stay but all of their camping gear
was taken away by police. Today local police already made announcement
about catching 6 suspects. Even if evidence about Nazis are clear,
police is trying to scale down the tragedy and said attackers were
not with any organization, they were just hooligans and vandals.
Additionally, several Russian environmental groups were planning
to set up the National anti-nuclear camp near Angarsk on July 26.
This is not clear right now whether it will happen or not. Official
statement is yet to come.
Tragedy is absolutely shoking and creates great concern over incompetence
of local authorities to control situation. Taking into accoung that
Russian authorities are putting efforts to establish ICEU in Angarsk,
the tragedy poses very important question - if security for people
can not be guaranteed even by the police, how can it be guaranteed
for the uranium enrichment facility and nuclear materials?
For more information:
+7(985)7766281 or (903)2997584, Vladimir Slivyak
Environmental protester slain in Siberia: report
Updated Sat. Jul. 21 2007 7:49 AM ET
Associated Press
MOSCOW -- Attackers dressed in dark clothes and wielding metal
pipes raided a camp of environmental protesters in Siberia early
Saturday, leaving one dead and several injured, a spokeswoman for
the local administration said.
Eight demonstrators were hospitalized after the attack, one of
whom later died from his injuries, according to the spokeswoman
for the Angarsk city administration, who was not authorized to give
her name.
A criminal investigation had been opened in connection with the
attack, she said.
More than 20 demonstrators had been camped out by a reservoir near
Angarsk, about 2,600 miles east of Moscow, to protest nuclear waste
processing at the state-owned Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Plant,
Russian news agencies reported, citing local police.
Two suspects in the attack have been detained and 13 others identified,
the RIA Novosti agency reported, citing a local police source.
Police spokesman Valery Gribakin was quoted by the ITAR-Tass news
agency as suggesting that theft had appeared to be a motive for
the attack: Police had confiscated a rucksack and telephone from
the detained that had belonged to the protesters, he said.
"Investigators are inclined to believe that the attack was
motivated by hooliganism with the aim of stealing property,"
he said.
Angarsk is located about 60 miles from the southern tip of Lake
Baikal, the world's largest freshwater lake and a symbol for some
of Russia environmental heritage.
Russia is working to set up a uranium enrichment center at the
electrolysis plant to enrich uranium from Kazakhstan -- a major
uranium ore producer.
President Vladimir Putin proposed setting up the center in 2006
as a way to provide uranium fuel to nations intent on building nuclear
power plants while making sure they don't develop weapons programs.
Enriched uranium supplied by the center would be made available
only to countries which have undertaken the appropriate nonproliferation
commitments. These would include a pledge of no use for nuclear
explosive purposes and acceptance of International Atomic Energy
Agency safeguards.
Russian environmentalists attacked, one killed
21 Jul 2007 11:08:38 GMT
Source: Reuters
MOSCOW, July 21 (Reuters) - A Russian environmentalist was beaten
to death and seven others wounded on Saturday when a group armed
with iron bars and baseball bats attacked their camp near a nuclear
waste processing plant in Siberia.
Russian media reported up to 15 people shouting fascist slogans
attacked the environmentalists, who were living in the camp to protest
against nuclear processing in the city of Angarsk near Lake Baikal,
5,000 km (3,125
miles) east of Moscow.
"One of the injured died in intensive care as a result of
the attack," Ekho Moskvy radio station quoted one of the environmental
activists, Olga Kozlova, as saying.
Another resident of the camp, Marina Popova, said the attackers
shouted slogans against anti-fascists.
"From that we can conclude they were Nazis or skinheads",
she told the
Vesti-24 television channel, blood seeping through a bandage wrapped
around her head.
Environmentalists have not previously been the target of violent
attacks in Russia, where skinhead gangs have assaulted and killed
people from ethnic and religious minority groups in the past.
Itar-Tass news agency said the man killed on Saturday was a 20-year-old
from the far eastern port city of Nakhodka.
Thirteen attackers had been identified and four had already been
arrested, said Interior Ministry spokesman Valery Gribakin.
"Those arrested denied any involvement with any extremist
youth group,"
Gribakin was quoted by Ekho Moskvy as saying.